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White Fabric

About Me

Megan Lively was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She continues to reside there while she creates art that allows people to embrace their own feelings. Megan is inspired, not by specific artists, but by what she sees around her. As Megan grew up, her art was displayed in multiple competitions and exhibitions throughout high school and college. Shortly after she graduated high school, she began selling her artwork in a small shop located near Galveston, Texas. She decided to pursue a career in graphic design and is currently in her last semester at the University of Houston- Clear Lake and expects to graduate in spring of 2024. Megan hopes to create works that convey emotion, in a way that not only connects the viewer to the artwork, but connects viewers to each other.

My Story

For as long as I can remember, I would draw on anything. From walls as a child, to
the backs of church attendance cards as a teenager, I was naturally inclined to make art. As I
began to grow in age and in talent, I realized what I enjoyed about creating art: The
reactions that I received from the people who viewed my work. I recognized that my
artwork conveyed emotion that words could not express, I became addicted to conveying
this feeling. I began to measure the success of my work through the viewers’ visceral reactions and comments.


I have a passion for recreating childhood memories and moments through my work;
It is my way of reliving these moments in a different, more observant light. I grew up in a
tumultuous home, so I do not remember what parks I played at, or what movies I saw, but
keenly recall, the anger in my father’s eyes. I have found that so much emotion can be felt
through the eyes, so I began to focus on old photographs, and I sought to accurately express
whatever my subject was feeling at that given moment. My hope is that viewers of my work
can either relate or seek to understand the deep emotions I recreate in my artworks.

As I began to seek a degree in fine arts, I took a graphic design class and fell in love
with the technological aspect of art. As I advanced in my graphic design classes, I began to see
some of that same emotion on the screen, that I did on so many canvases before it. Through my work, I
hope to evoke any kind of feeling, because my best work is often done when I, myself am in an emotional state.

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